Sunday, February 10, 2013

Do the dancing

So I did not know what to post that was part of our English class work or I'll just talk about one of my hobbies that can be applied to HOMAGO. On my spare spare times, I like to learn dances to my favorite songs. It is a lot of fun learning all the different  moves. It is more fun to learn 'em with friends.

Learning these dance moves involves participation, public networks and peer based learning. Obviously if you're going to learn the dance moves, you got to participate. Just watching 'em won't guarantee that you;ll know how to perform 'em. I'm not afraid to participate because I'm surrounded by my friends. Even if they laugh, I won't take it in a bad way. I can connect with my friends through Facebook if I need any opinions on how to do a certain move. I can also learn from my friends while practicing. If they see that I'm doing something wrong, they'll help me out. It's good to have someone to learn from because you can't learn the moves so well if you don't have an example. The best part is when you got the whole dance down and can dance, with no mistake, till the song is over. The hardest part is to get everyone to dance in sync, but once everyone perform at the same time, it looks great.

So far, I learned nothing but dances from Korean a typical Asian. They are fun to watch...and a lot more fun to perform. We definitely won't make it on ABDC and win like Poreotics and Super Crew. We just do it for the fun. Here's a couple of examples of the dances I know: I'll be back - 2PMNeverland - U-Kiss and Crazy - TeepTop


  1. Wow that is interesting. I did not know that you knew how to dance but I like how you related dancing to learning. I agree that dancing with a group of your friends is a great example of peer based learning.

  2. I am a dance instructor at my church and i totally agree that dancing with a group of friends is a great example of peer based learning, because I notice that it makes things more fun and quicker to learn when it comes from a peers. For whatever reason in any situation anything sounds or looks better when a peer of ours says or does it.

  3. This is cool man. Sometimes you just have to geek out, and start whoopin' some ass in whatever you are doing. It would be nice if school was interesting enough to do the same sort of thing for homework.

  4. That is so cool!! I love dancing too. I was a cheerleader, so different kind of dancing, but dancing all the same. Friends definitely help get you motivated, and its fun goofing around with them. I hope I can learn a dance to an entire song one day. I use to when I was younger but I haven't done it in a long time.

  5. Right on in your analysis of the HOMAGO elements here. I mentioned this to Elijah as well, but I also think you might be interested in some additional work from Mimi Ito. In her book on fandom (that I have checked out from atkins library right now), she really explores popular culture in Asia-- particularly Japan. It might be something you want to look at more closely later this semester.
