Slide 1 Ask audience about what they think when it comes to peer pressure
Slide 2 Talk about how the media relates peer pressure to smoke and drinking
Slide 3 So much pressure from parents to resist peer pressure that they eventually fall into peer pressure
Slide 4 Not all peer pressure is bad
Slide 5 Introduce mimi ito's homago
Slide 6 introduce the three concepts
Slide 7 talk about this category for a brief moment
Slide 8 introduce the second and main category
Slide 9 friendship
Slide 10 talk about how friends influence new friends
Slide 11 Affiliation
Slide 12 talk about how friends influence affiliation
Slide 13 Romance
Slide 14 talk about how friends can influence romance
Slide 15 Talk about myself in high school not having a girlfriend
Slide 16 Talk about my best friend and his peer pressure
Slide 17 Bought a present within two days which I normally would not do for a stranger like her
Slide 18 Talk about why i went to the christmas party
Slide 19 talk how genre of participation is good
Slide 20 Peer pressure will always be present, whether we notice it or not, and will we follow it on our own free will?